Sunday, October 4, 2009

1.Deeply Looking at the Story: Enormous Radio, and Adapting it to our Real Life

This week we read the Enormous radio, and had class discussion about it.

And here are my personal thoughts which i composed after reading the enormous radio:

Everybody has him/her own tragedies. (some has got bigger, some has got smaller)

Individual's personal life can't contain only one color. In other words, we can't create to ourself only a pink life where everything is going perfect, we are the best featured etc. Or it can't be a completely black life where everything is going bad , everybody hate us etc.

At this story , our characters are trying to create a pink life. They are trying for cover their mistakes, and bad experiences. But they are forgetting this "hiding efforts" are like wood in the water. Let me explain. Remember, when you want to sink the wood ground while it is swimming, you must push it hard. And always must stay your hand like this, for prevent surface. And when you a bit forget to push, it will want to surface again. And if you forget to push, it will come to surface stronger and faster. It shows we can't hide our wicknesses until eternal. The better way to forget them is trying to fix them. It will give less pain.

And we must learn to live with bad news, quarells, illnesses. Actually, without them we can't realise the value of what we have got.

Another point i wanted to highlight is answer of this question:

"Does possession of the radio give the Westcotts any advantage over their
neighbors? Disadvantage? Explain."

By listening only a little part of conversation, Irene can't decide what kind of people they are.

For example:

Lady who shout to her children:
Maybe she was telling always properly her children to go to school until that day. But the children didn't understand it and she decided to be more strict.
Husband who quarrel with him wife for not playing piano:
Maybe the lady who plays the piano was really sellfish and doing nothing for her family. That's why her husband was quarrelling with her.

In my opinion the main mistake was in this story their motto's was "there must be no roughness , for a happy life". But this is not true, sometimes happiest people come from the worst places for living.

I want to give an example from one of my favorite movie: Slumdog Millionaire.
Remember the two brother. They were living the worst life for a little children. Although their tragedies, they can be happy and OK.They were happy while watching operas,while watching Tac Mahal, while travelling by train.

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