Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2.1 TLL 101 and ENG 101 got mixed!!!

Today, we were discussing about articles which take place at our literature anthology.

We talked about Reorganization Era's author's mission.

Their common mission was "educating society". They were writing to their books and to newspapers for making the Ottoman Society more qualified and some of them wanted to awake them from their "wrong life".

(we can except 200 years ago their "Media" was books and newspaper, not television , not internet.)

The authors were calling themselves "Father". They thought they must educate the people who has got lower chances for improving themselves.

So, i want to take your attention to our era. Namık Kemal, who was one the pioneer of this self denying trend made a wish in one of his articles. In this wish he expected two century later-he means at 21. century- our country's situation will be better.

Okey, almost in every way we imroved a lot. But in the Media?
200 years ago , there were people like this, who is trying to utilize the media.

However, I think in our days, media is not thinks a lot, except earning money.

I will write more about articles which we discussed in at second week soon.